If hired at Advisor I:
Academic Advising. Serves as primary contact and academic advisor for incoming, current and transferring undergraduate students, both for the major and departmental minors. Host program orientation/info-sessions for new students, transfer students, and parents (if applicable) with assistance from the undergraduate coordinator. Advise students on academic curriculum matters, course scheduling, proper course sequencing, degree programs, and provide counsel if other academic majors better fit the need or capability of individual students. Assists undergraduate students with resume writing, interview strategies, assistance with job-search activities and similar functions. Maintain records and work with communications specialist to create materials related to academic advisement. Assist with administrative support for departmental undergraduate Study-Abroad programs, if needed. Maintain confidential student records, collect data, and report undergraduate enrollment and graduation information, including majors and departmental minors. Track student progress in the program and work under the direction of the undergraduate coordinator to facilitate appropriate communications and follow-up with students experiencing academic or personal difficulties.
Undergraduate Program Recruitment. Assisting with recruitment opportunities for undergraduate students. Special emphasis placed on recruiting transfer students and promoting the undergraduate program at various community and state colleges in Florida and transfer students from within UF. Identify appropriate contact at community and state colleges and high schools. Attend recruitment functions. Be familiar with the requirements for the Food and Resource Economics major and curriculum admissions policies for the department and college as well as general University admission requirements.
Coordinate AEB4941 (Internship credits) for Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters and Professional Development. Coordinate all undergraduate student internships throughout the year by partnering with FRE staff to assist with finding appropriate area and state business, government and non-profit representatives. Work with other FRE staff and faculty to seek new sponsors of student internships. Provide advisement and preparation for students pursuing internships. Follow-up with interns and their sponsors to ensure that internships are appropriate, and responsibilities met.
Assist with AEB 3935 (FRE Seminar) for Fall and Spring Semester. Assist course instructor for seminar class for new undergraduate students to introduce them to FRE, bring in alumni to discuss career opportunities. Possibility to lead career development activities.
If hired as Advisor II:
Academic Advising. Serves as primary contact and academic advisor for incoming, current and transferring undergraduate students, both for the major and departmental minors. Host program orientation/info-sessions for new students, transfer students, and parents (if applicable). Advise students on academic curriculum matters, course scheduling, proper course sequencing, degree programs, and provide counsel if other academic majors better fit the need or capability of individual students. Assist undergraduate students with resume writing, interview strategies, assistance with job-search activities and similar functions. Maintain records and create materials related to academic advisement. Provide administrative support for departmental undergraduate Study-Abroad programs, if needed. Maintain confidential student records, collect data, and report undergraduate enrollment and graduation information, including majors and departmental minors. Track student progress in the program and facilitate appropriate communications and follow-up with students experiencing academic or personal difficulties.
Undergraduate Program Recruitment. Developing opportunities for undergraduate student recruitment. Special emphasis placed on recruiting transfer students and promoting the undergraduate program at various community and state colleges in Florida and transfer students from within UF. Identify appropriate contact at community and state colleges and high schools. Attend recruitment functions. Be familiar with the requirements for the Food and Resource Economics major and curriculum admissions policies for the department and college as well as general University admission requirements.
Coordinate AEB 3935 (FRE Seminar) for Fall and Spring Semester. Prepare 1-2 credit seminar class for new undergraduate students to introduce them to FRE, bring in alumni to discuss career opportunities, and lead career development activities.
Coordinate AEB4941 (Internship credits) for Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters and Professional Development. Coordinate all undergraduate student internships throughout the year by partnering with appropriate area and state business, government and non-profit representatives. Work collaboratively with FRE faculty and staff to seek new sponsors of student internships. Provide advisement and preparation for students pursuing internships. Follow-up with interns and their sponsors to ensure that internships are appropriate, and responsibilities met.