Experimental Design and Execution: Develop and conduct experiments in plant ecophysiology, including plant mortality, imaging spectroscopy, and plant water relations, under the general guidance of supervisor. Design, execute, and analyze experiments to develop new methods to study plant response to water deficit and heatwave tolerance.
Laboratory and Equipment Management: Develop and maintain laboratory equipment, including microcontroller systems and sensors. Perform routine maintenance on ecophysiology laboratory equipment and verify that equipment and instrumentation are in working condition. Design or build ecophysiology laboratory equipment as needed for special research projects.
Mentorship and Training: Teach laboratory components and provide methodological training to undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and laboratory assistants.
Writing and Research: Collaborate with PI on grant writing, papers, and fundraising for research. Prepare research reports, research papers, scholarly articles, and abstracts for publication.
Administrative Responsibilities: Coordinate and prioritize laboratory activities, conduct routine plant care, and maintain plant care facilities.
Monitoring and Quality Control: Monitor the condition of scientific equipment and develop/implement maintenance protocols to ensure accuracy and quality of experimental data. Other duties as assigned.