Processes purchases for ITSP and supported units including IT-related hardware orders for the college. The duties include but are not limited to: submitting reassigned carts in the requisition workflow; placing carts in the requisition workflow; working with the college’s technicians to resolve quote issues; acting as the liaison between suppliers and the college to resolve order issues, returns, backorders, etc.; ensuring the proper documentation is collected, saved, and attached to the appropriate places in a timely manner; tracking and informing delivery status; etc., per UF and ITO directives and procedures.
Coordinates domestic and international travel arrangements, and non-travel reimbursements for staff in multiple areas. Tasks may include completing registrations, making hotel reservations, scheduling flights, reserving transportation, completing the appropriate steps before the event, assisting and submitting Travel Requests and Expense Reports in UFGO system, etc., per UF and ITO directives and procedures.
Assists the Print Shop Manager with matters such as being the primary backup coverage for vacation/sick leave, providing photocopying services to the college, receiving items from couriers, assisting with inventory and survey, being actively involved with ongoing tasks and duties, etc.
Assists the ITO Manager and team with projects and other tasks.
Assists with academic tasks. Duties may include requesting PhD candidate information from departments in the College, routinely verifying student status semesterly and yearly, updating documentation and tracking, providing access to resources tied in with their degree program, etc.
Manages matters related to facility issues reported by staff in multiple areas. Some of the activities are reporting the matter to the appropriate area, acting as the liaison, ensuring the work is completed promptly, yearly Space Reporting, etc.
Updating documentation and procedures for review and approval, determining and tracking process updates, alerting the team when a process is overdue for reassessing, etc.