

Current Opportunities

Position Department Location Closes
County Extension Director & Extension Agent II - IV 60355013 - AG-MIAMI-DADE Dade
We are looking for candidates with academic and people skills who work well in teams, honor their commitments, and innovate in a rapidly changing world. As a County Extension Director (CED) and Extension Agent, you will work jointly for UF/IFAS Extension and Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation, and Open Spaces Department. As the CED and Extension agent, you will provide leadership and support for administering and supervising the total extension program within Miami-Dade County.
Law Enforcement Officer - University Police Department 73010000 - UPD-ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
Performs a variety of duties in the enforcement of laws (vehicle/motorcycle/bicycle/foot) to promote personal safety for the university community populace including, but not limited to; providing protection and security for university facilities and interests; and maintaining an orderly flow of traffic, investigating accidents, disturbances, and law violations; and making arrests and apprehensions, participate in special details and assignments, and perform assignments in specialized areas including Community Service Division, Criminal Investigations Division, Training Division, Special Events Division, motorcycle patrol, K-9 Unit, Bike Unit, Critical Indent Response Team, Honor Guard, and other supported program areas. Upon selection to special assignment: Prepare, schedule, and conduct in-house specialized training and event coordination/scheduling, educational programs, mentor new officers, assist with remedial training; develop strategies to reduce crime, create theft prevention concepts to deploy to the UF community; conduct building and area searches with explosive detection K-9’s; and conduct criminal and administrative investigations, prepare and execute warrants, complete background investigations of new employees, and participate in dignitary protection and multiagency task forces. This position is designated as an Essential Employee. Essential employees provide vital support to the UF and are subject to recall to work when deemed necessary by the Chief of Police/designee. Recall to work typically happens due to an emergency, disaster, or special event that may coincide with the official suspension of classes and/or closing of offices. Employees are subject to mandatory overtime and continuation of a regular tour of duty. Employees assigned to specialty assignments are subject to on-call status and flexible schedules. Employees are required to be in the work environment.
General Urologist - Assistant/Associate/Full Professor 30230000 - JAX-UROLOGY-JACKSONVILLE Jacksonville Campus
The University of Florida College of Medicine-Jacksonville, Department of Urology, seeks a fulltime, American Board of Urology certified, eligible, or equivalent, general urologist on a mission track at the level of Assistant, Associate or Full Professor.
Assistant or Associate Professor of Controlled Environmental Horticulture 60870000 - AG-MREC-APOPKA Orange
The incumbent is expected to develop a nationally and internationally recognized CEA program specializing in specialty crops, such as vegetables, fruits, ornamental nursery crops, and medicinal plants. The ideal candidate will employ innovative methodologies, hydroponics, artificial intelligence, and biotechnology to study and enhance crop physiology and quality in controlled environments.
Assistant, Associate, Full Professor 29051000 - MD-INTERNAL MEDICINE Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
The University of Florida Department of Medicine is seeking physician applicants for two full-time clinical positions within the Division of General Internal Medicine. The successful candidates will practice as part of an academic group practice caring for a personal panel of patients as well as teaching and supervising medical students and residents in both ambulatory and inpatient settings. There is a significant emphasis on academic career development within the division with a strong record of development in medical education scholarship and collaborative research.
Clinical Assistant/Associate Professor - Urologic Oncologist 29340000 - MD-UROLOGY Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
The University of Florida Department of Urology invites applications from outstanding candidates for a full-time, non-tenure track faculty position, at the open rank of Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Urologic Oncology.
Postdoctoral Associate - Martemyanov Lab 37045040 - SR-NEURO-MARTEMYANOV LAB Palm Beach
The Herbert Wertheim UF Scripps Institute for Biomedical Innovation & Technology is currently seeking a Postdoctoral Associate for the laboratory of Dr. Kirill Martemyanov at the Jupiter, Florida campus. We joined the University of Florida, one of the nation’s top five public universities, in April 2022. Together, UF Health and UF Scripps Biomedical Research work to advance science, science education and medicine, all for the benefit of humanity.
Clinical Assistant Professor / Associate Professor / Professor 29120000 - MD-PSYCHIATRY Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
You belong at a University that is Rising The University of Florida, the flagship university in the state of Florida, is a top-tier research institution with a long history of training outstanding undergraduate, graduate, and professional students. The University of Florida’s academic health center is the country’s only academic health center with six health-related colleges located on a single, contiguous campus. The colleges, major research centers and institutes, and clinical enterprise focus on building collaborative, specialized clinical services centered on quality and innovation.
Police Communications Operator I 73010000 - UPD-ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
UF Police Department invites applications for a vacant Police Communications Operator. The employee in this position is in a probationary status and performs task in a trainee capacity. The employee does not work independently and is under the full time supervision of a communications training officer. During this time the employee will learn to become proficient, and demonstrate that proficiency, in the following duties: Operate communications command center providing radio communication support to sworn and non-sworn department personnel. Maintain radio/telephone communication link between field officers and base station, supervisors, emergency services, and other law enforcement agencies. Receive and evaluate calls from the public requesting police assistance, of both emergency and non-emergency natures. Input and transmit call information using computer assisted dispatch system or manual card system. Refer callers to appropriate agencies or extensions. Contact appropriate parties to notify of complaints and/or actions required. Use computer assisted dispatch system to update and monitor law enforcement statuses, transmit requests for emergency services, and retrieve various data and records. Coordinate the dispatching of resources between two or more agencies. Errors in decision or work may be immediately detected and may lead to loss of life and adverse effects upon UF and department operations, substantial property loss and inconvenience to members of the university community. Perform a variety of records management duties including reviewing, entering, canceling and purging records. This position is designated as an Essential Employee. Essential employees provide vital support to UF and are subject to recall to work when deemed necessary by the Chief of Police/designee. Recall to work typically happens due to emergency, disaster or special event that may coincide with the official suspension of classes and/or closing of offices.
AST/ASO/FULL PROF 29141600 - MD-SURGERY-PLASTIC Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
The Department of Surgery at the University of Florida, College of Medicine is recruiting a tenure or non-tenure track surgeon to join the Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. The academic rank will be based upon the career stage and development of the candidate. This new physician will join a group of plastic surgeons with a reputation of excellence in patient care and an established track-record of federal and industry funded research. Clinical responsibilities for the position will be predominantly at the Malcolm Randall VA Medical Center in Gainesville, FL. The Division has a long-standing commitment to both Resident and Fellow education and the new surgeon will be involved in this effort. In addition, applicants will be provided dedicated time to pursue academic interests.
Postdoctoral Associate 19090000 - EG-MATERIALS SCI ENGINEERING Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
A postdoctoral position is available in the Center for Molecular Magnetic Quantum Materials (M2QM) at the University of Florida and Florida State University. The position will be jointly supervised by Prof. Stephen Hill and Prof. Richard Hennig. The project involves fundamental spectroscopic investigations of molecular quantum materials in the Electron Magnetic Resonance (EMR) group at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (MagLab, employing state-of-the-art instrumentation available at the MagLab for both continuous-wave and pulsed EPR at high magnetic fields. Additional stimuli, such as light irradiation and electric fields, will also be available to further modulate the quantum properties of the molecules under study. Areas of interest within M2QM that are under active investigation at the MagLab include understanding decoherence processes and the development of strategies for enhancing coherence in molecular spin qubits; demonstration of multi-qubit entanglement and quantum logic operations in magnetic molecules; and exploitation of magnetoelectric coupling and optical activity for realization of electrically and optically switchable spin qubits. The successful applicant should have a PhD in either physics, physical chemistry, or a closely related discipline. Some experience in the use of EPR spectroscopy is preferred. Strong consideration will also be given to applicants who have experience with other spectroscopic or magnetic characterization methods, particularly as applied to molecular materials.
Cloud Platform Engineer 14300000 - IT-ICT INFRA/COMM TECHNOLOGY Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
UF Information Technology (UFIT) is currently seeking a professional level Cloud Platform Engineer interested in applying their technical expertise to fast-paced, customer-focused production support and development environments as part of the Infrastructure & Communication Technology team, a unit within UFIT. These environments run in a LEED certified data center housing several thousand servers and petabytes of storage. Employment with UFIT provides an excellent opportunity to work with other employees who are dedicated and focused on understanding and interpreting the technological needs of the University of Florida’s innovative and inspirational community.
Assistant Professor 57301000 - HC-HAMILTON CENTER ADMIN Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
Established in 2022, the Hamilton Center is a multidisciplinary academic unit whose purpose is to support teaching and research concerning the ideas, traditions, and texts that shape Western civilization and American values and institutions. The Center also seeks to promote civil discourse and the ethic of citizenship, and prepare students for meaningful careers. The Center seeks to fill several tenured faculty positions at the rank of Assistant Professor, to start in the 2025–2026 academic year. Within the bounds of our academic mission, the Center is flexible as to the disciplinary focus of our applicants. Applications for this cycle are especially encouraged from scholars working in (1) Philosophy, Politics, Economics and Law, with particular research expertise in quantitative methods, economics and economic history; (2) History, Statecraft and Strategy, with particular research expertise in fields including international relations, strategic studies, East Asian security, European security and Middle Eastern security; (3) American Government, History and Literature, particularly in the fields of constitutional studies, public law, history and literature; and (4) Science, Technology, Ethics and Society. A Ph.D. or equivalent terminal degree is required. Salaries are competitive.
Postdoctoral Associate in computational biology 19340000 - EG-BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
Dr. Xiao Fan’s laboratory ( in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Florida has a fully-funded postdoctoral associate position. Fan Lab aims to understand genetic causes of rare human diseases using case-control association studies, and improving interpretation of genetic variations using machine learning methods. Research projects will involve study design, data acquisition, method development, data analysis, and software/database maintenance. Attributes of UF and Gainesville: The BME Department is located in health sciences at UF and is steps from engineering. The University of Florida is one of only a few comprehensive universities, having medical, veterinary, dental, nursing, public health, and engineering disciplines all co-localized on the same, contiguous campus. UF is a highly collaborative environment that provides researchers with many opportunities for learning (e.g., top seminar programs, excellent core research facilities) and research collaborations. Gainesville is located in the northern region of Florida, within 1-1.5 hours of each coast, and just 1.5-2 hours to Orlando and Tampa. It is a small to medium-sized city with a low cost of living, good restaurants and entertainment, and southern hospitality. While Gainesville is widely recognized as the home of the Gators, it is quickly becoming known as a center for innovation and a place with a lifestyle that’s comfortable for families, yet attractive for young professionals. The University of Florida is the flagship campus of the State of Florida university system and is ranked as the #5 best public US university according to US News and World Report. The J. Crayton Pruitt Family Department of Biomedical Engineering is ranked as the #17 best public graduate BME program among public institutes. This is a time-limited position.
Associate/Full Professor 57301000 - HC-HAMILTON CENTER ADMIN Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
Established in 2022, the Hamilton Center is a multidisciplinary academic unit whose purpose is to support teaching and research concerning the ideas, traditions, and texts that shape Western civilization and American values and institutions. The Center also seeks to promote civil discourse and the ethic of citizenship, and prepare students for meaningful careers. The Center seeks to fill several tenured faculty positions at the rank of Associate Professor or Professor, to start in the 2025–2026 academic year. Within the bounds of our academic mission, the Center is flexible as to the disciplinary focus of our applicants. Applications for this cycle are especially encouraged from scholars working in (1) Philosophy, Politics, Economics and Law, with particular research expertise in quantitative methods, economics and economic history; (2) History, Statecraft and Strategy, with particular research expertise in fields including international relations, strategic studies, East Asian security, European security and Middle Eastern security; (3) American Government, History and Literature, particularly in the fields of constitutional studies, public law, history and literature; and (4) Science, Technology, Ethics and Society. A Ph.D. or equivalent terminal degree is required. Salaries are competitive.
Post-Doctoral Associate in Star Formation 16060000 - LS-ASTRONOMY Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
A Post-doctoral Associate in the Department of Astronomy is available to work with Dr. Elizabeth Lada to investigate the properties of star-forming regions in the LMC and Milky Way.
The Department of Ophthalmology at the University of Florida College of Medicine-Jacksonville seeks to add a full-time Comprehensive Ophthalmologist at the non-tenure level of Clinical Assistant/Associate Professor. Major responsibilities include providing excellence in patient care, teaching, and, if desired, clinical research contributing to a diverse academic eye practice.
Chair & Associate/Full Professor 32060000 - PH-PHARMTHERAPY TRNSL RSCH Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
The College of Pharmacy invites applications for the position of tenure-track Associate/Full Professor and Chair of the Department of Pharmacotherapy and Translational Research. The College of Pharmacy is seeking a visionary leader for the Department with experience in collaborative research partnerships and who will further fulfill the department’s research vision for improved individualization of pharmacotherapy and nurturing the next generation of diverse scientists and leaders in pharmaceutical sciences. The ideal candidate will have a distinguished record of research, teaching, scholarly accomplishments and leadership. They should also be an accomplished educator with experience in professional and/or graduate education as well as mentoring both junior faculty and graduate students. The Chair will be expected to work with the department in a collaborative, inclusive, and transparent manner to promote overall interests and development of the department faculty, staff, postdocs, and students, and with the Dean and other College of Pharmacy leadership to fulfill its research, education, and governance missions.
Chair & Associate/Full Professor 32100000 - PH PHARMACY EDUCATION AND PRAC Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
The College of Pharmacy invites applications for a tenure-track/non-tenure track Associate/Professor & Chair of the Pharmacy Education & Practice Department. The ideal candidate will be a visionary leader with experience leading a team of diverse professionals, integrating clinical & educational expertise and foster a collaborative & innovative environment. With a strong background in clinical practice, the candidate will demonstrate hands-on experience and practical knowledge, ensuring that the department remains at the forefront of clinical excellence. The candidate will have recent teaching experience, showcasing their commitment to education & ability to engage/inspire students. A track record of scholarly success is essential, with notable achievements in research, publications, and contributions to the academic community. The ideal candidate will have demonstrated experience in collaborating with external groups, e.g. other health systems, academic medical centers, & related organizations. The Chair will be expected to work in a collaborative, inclusive, and transparent manner to promote interests/development of the department faculty, staff, postdocs, & students, and with the leadership of the college to fulfill its research, education, and governance missions.
Animal Care Technician I - Jupiter FL 37050300 - SR-VIVARIUM Palm Beach
The Herbert Wertheim UF Scripps Biomedical Research is seeking an Animal Care Technician I at the Jupiter, Florida campus. We joined the University of Florida, one of the nation's top five public universities, in April 2022. Together UF Health and The Herbert Wertheim UF Scripps Institute work to advance science, science education and medicine, all for the benefit of humanity.

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