

Current Opportunities

Position Department Location Closes
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor - Computer & Information Science & Engineering 19140000 - EG-COMPUTER / INFO SCI & ENG Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
The Department of Computer & Information Science & Engineering (CISE) in the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering (HWCOE) at the University of Florida invites applications for multiple full-time, nine-month tenure-track faculty positions at the rank of Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor. The positions have an anticipated start date of August 2025.
Associate/Full Professor - J. Crayton Pruitt Family Department of Biomedical Engineering 19340000 - EG-BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
The J. Crayton Pruitt Family Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME) in the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering (HWCOE) at the University of Florida invites applications for multiple full-time, nine-month tenure-track faculty positions at the rank of associate professor. Candidates at the full professor level may be considered on a case-by-case basis. The positions have an anticipated start date of August 2025.
Assistant Professor of Physics in Particle Theory 16360100 - LS-PHYSICS-GENERAL Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
The Department of Physics at the University of Florida (UF) has an opening for a full-time, nine-month, tenure-track Assistant Professor in theoretical particle physics to begin August 16, 2025. We seek highly qualified candidates from all areas of theoretical particle physics. Present faculty members have expertise in beyond the Standard Model physics, particle astrophysics, cosmology, gravitational wave physics, and quantum gravity.
Postdoctoral Associate in Stars 16060000 - LS-ASTRONOMY Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
A Postdoctoral Associate position is available in stars, including e.g. stellar physics, stellar evolution, stellar characterization, stellar populations or similar, to work with Dr. Jamie Tayar in the Department of Astronomy at the University of Florida to begin in Fall 2025.
Assistant Professor in Experimental Biological Physics 16360100 - LS-PHYSICS-GENERAL Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
The Department of Physics at the University of Florida (UF) seeks a full-time, nine-month, tenure-track Assistant Professor in Biophysics Experiment to begin August 16, 2025. Applications are encouraged from highly qualified candidates in all areas of experimental biological physics, including but not limited to active matter and collective behavior, molecular and cellular function, signaling and information processing, neural dynamics and behavior, organismal physiology and development, ecological and evolutionary dynamics, and related topics.
Pediatric Neurologist - Epileptologist 29091800 - MD-PEDS-NEUROLOGY Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
The University for Florida Department of Pediatrics Division of Neurology is seeking a highly qualified epileptologist to join our academic faculty. The ideal candidate will have expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy, with experience in advanced epilepsy management including medical, dietary, surgical, and neurostimulation therapies. Responsibilities will include providing patient care, participating in multidisciplinary epilepsy care teams, and contributing to the epilepsy monitoring unit.
Acute Care Surgeon - Clinical Assistant/Associate/Full Professor 30140000 - JX-SURGERY-JACKSONVILLE Jacksonville Campus
The University of Florida College of Medicine-Jacksonville (UFCOM-J), Department of Surgery, Division of Acute Care Surgery, seeks a full-time Acute Care Surgeon faculty position at the non-tenure accruing level of Assistant/Associate/Full Professor. We are growing our division to eleven (11) full-time surgeons and will continue to expand our clinical mission.
Post-Doctoral Associate in Computational Chemistry 16120100 - LS-CHEMISTRY-GENERAL Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
A Post-doctoral Associate in Computational Chemistry position is available for graduates in computational or theoretical chemistry or related field to work in a project on the to implementation of the MELD Integrative structural biology approach (currently a plugin to OpenMM) into the AMBER suite of programs led by Dr. Perez and co-advised by Dr. Roitberg in the Department of Chemistry at UF.
Clinical Assistant/Associate/Full Professor - School of Physician Assistant Studies 29710100 - MD-SCHOOL OF PA STUDIES - GEN Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
The University of Florida's School of Physician Assistant (PA) Studies is excited to invite applications for a full-time, non-tenured faculty position at the rank of Clinical Assistant/Associate/Full Professor (contingent on experience). This core faculty member will play a pivotal role in both the didactic and clinical phases of the program, contributing to both education and administrative duties while engaging in team-based teaching across the curriculum.
Clinical Assistant Professor - Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 30220000 - JX-ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SRGY Jacksonville Campus
The Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, at the University of Florida College of Medicine – Jacksonville is seeking a full-time faculty member at the non-tenure accruing level of Assistant Professor. Our faculty members perform the entire spectrum of traditional and contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMS).
Chair & Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology 29070000 - MD-OBSTETRICS / GYNECOLOGY Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
The College of Medicine invites nominations and applications for tenure or non-tenure track Chair & Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The Chair reports to the Dean of the UF College of Medicine and directs the patient care, research and education missions of the Department. The Chair is responsible for providing leadership in the development, and execution of all strategic plans and daily operations. In close partnership with all stakeholders, the Chair will ensure patient-focused, high-performing, and results-oriented clinical, educational, and scientific programs. In addition, the Chair will lead initiatives to support exceptional patient service, quality outcomes, faculty and staff satisfaction, growth and volume management, expanded research capabilities and improved financial performance. The Chair also serves as the Shands Hospital Service Chief and is responsible for the clinical care delivery within the Joint Commission accredited hospital.  The executive search firm Spencer Stuart has been retained to assist in this recruitment. Chuck Jordan and Shannon Yeatman of Spencer Stuart are lead consultants on the search. Inquiries, nominations, and applications are invited and should be submitted to search team member Sarah Ekstrom via
Director for the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program 16280100 - LS-HISTORY-GENERAL Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Florida invites applications for the full-time, nine-month position of Director of the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program, with appointment to begin August 16, 2025. The appointment requires a Ph.D. in one’s discipline and will be made at the rank of a tenured or tenure-earning assistant, associate, or full professor. The Samuel Proctor Oral History Program (SPOHP) is an award-winning, nationally respected institution that has long been a cornerstone unit on the University of Florida campus, providing its services across disciplines and to the general public.
Instructional Assistant Professor and Online Teaching Coordinator in Physics 16360100 - LS-PHYSICS-GENERAL Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
The Department of Physics at the University of Florida (UF) seeks qualified applicants for a full-time, nine-month, term-limited, non-tenure-track position at the rank of Lecturer (working title: Instructional Assistant Professor) to begin on August 16, 2025, renewable annually with funding secured for three years. The primary teaching duties will be to work as a part of a team teaching over 5,000 students who take introductory physics classes at UF each year, both in-person and online. Teaching assignments will include both in-person and online courses.
Sleep Medicine - Clinical Assistant/Associate/ Full Professor 30050000 - JX-MEDICINE AT JAX Jacksonville Campus
The University of Florida College of Medicine-Jacksonville, Department of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine is seeking candidates for a full-time faculty position in our growing Sleep Medicine program. Appointment will be at the non-tenure accruing level of Assistant/Associate/Full Professor, based on qualifications.
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor - Electrical & Computer Engineering 19050000 - EG-ELECTRICAL / COMPUTER ENG Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
The Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE) in the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering (HWCOE) at the University of Florida invites applications for multiple full-time, nine-month tenure-track faculty positions at the rank of Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor. The positions have an anticipated start date of August 2025.
Assistant Professor in in Astronomical Space Instrumentation, Large-Scale Structure, Cosmology, Galaxy Evolution, and/or Time Domain Astrophysics 16060000 - LS-ASTRONOMY Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
The Department of Astronomy at the University of Florida invites applications for a full-time, nine-month, tenure-track faculty position at the level of Assistant Professor to begin August 16, 2025. We particularly encourage applicants who have experience in Astronomical Space Instrumentation, Large-Scale Structure, Cosmology, Galaxy Evolution, and/or Time Domain Astrophysics. Candidate expertise can be at any wavelength or timescale within these specializations. Candidates with backgrounds in observational, experimental, theoretical, or computational astrophysics are welcome to apply.
Extension Agent I - II - 4-H Youth Development 60353049 - AG-OSCEOLA Osceola
We are looking for a positive youth development professional who is a self-starter, energetic, and team oriented. The 4-H Youth Development Agent focuses on 1) volunteer development and 2) positive youth development through collaboration with 4-H volunteers, 4-H Extension colleagues, and Extension colleagues in the other Extension program areas.
Neurocritical Care Physician - Department of Neurology 29181000 - MD-NEURO-NEUROCRITICAL CARE Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
The Department of Neurology, at the University of Florida invites outstanding applicants for consideration for a full-time, open rank, tenure or non-tenure track faculty position, in Neurocritical Care. The successful candidates will perform inpatient attending clinical duties, including consultations, teaching, supervising medical students, residents and fellows with a vested interest in research.
The Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation ( at the University of Florida is seeking an outstanding, motivated faculty member who is interested in starting/continuing a career in academic physiatry as a member of the UF Health Comprehensive Spine Center (CSC) at the Ocala Heathbrook location
The Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Florida is seeking outstanding, motivated faculty members who are interested in starting/continuing a career in academic physiatry. The Department is looking for a board eligible/certified physiatrist interested in joining a rapidly growing PM&R Program at one of the premiere medical centers in the South and a top 5 ranked public University.

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