

Current Opportunities

Position Department Location Closes
Camp Cloverleaf Summer Camp Staff 60330000 - AG-YOUTH,FAMILIES& COMMUNITIES Highlands
Are you looking for a paid summer or part-time job and/or internship that includes gaining life skills and certifications, mentoring youth, meeting new people, and being outside on the beautiful Lake Francis in south central Florida? If so, we invite you to read more about our camp staff positions at the University of Florida/IFAS Extension 4-H Camp Cloverleaf, in Lake Placid, FL. 4-H Camp Cloverleaf is located right on Lake Francis, where our campers and staff kayak, swim, and enjoy campfires by the lake. They also create skits, nature hike, tie dye, and so much more! Camp staff are the vital foundation to our camp program, as they are a positive role model, create lasting memories for all visitors, provide safe cabin supervision during summer, and have fun themselves while engaging in visitor activities. Working as Camp Staff for UF/IFAS 4-H Camp Cloverleaf can provide a season of self-growth and an unforgettable work experience. Many practical work experiences and benefits are gained during camp employment, such as leadership, communication, networking opportunities, collaboration with a team, letters of recommendation, and professional development to just name a few.
Emergency Medicine Community Physician - Clinical Assistant/Associate Professor 30290000 - JX-EMERGENCY MEDICINE-JAX Jacksonville Campus
The University of Florida College of Medicine - Jacksonville, Department of Emergency Medicine is expanding! We are recruiting motivated and energetic physicians to join our Faculty. Clinical opportunities include positions in general emergency medicine at our community sites. Successful candidates will receive academic appointments as either a Clinical Assistant or Associate professor. This is a non-tenure accruing position.
Lecturer in the Teaching of Rhetoric and Writing 16940000 - LS-WRITING PGM Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
The University Writing Program at the University of Florida invites applications for multiple Lecturer positions to begin August 16, 2025. The Lecturer, working title Assistant Instructional Professor, is a full-time, nine-month, non-tenure accruing appointment with the possibility of renewal and an opportunity for advancement in UF’s lecturer track. The University Writing Program is a thriving, independent unit offering a wide range of writing-intensive courses in areas such as first-year composition, themed critical thinking and writing, discipline-focused writing, and professional writing. The position requires a Ph.D. in Composition and Rhetoric or in a related content area with commensurate experience in teaching writing. The teaching assignment is 3/3.
Lecturer - Japanese Language Pedagogy or Linguistics 16860000 - LS-LANGUAGE LITERATURE&CULTURE Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
The Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at the University of Florida, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences invites applications for a full-time, nine-month, non-tenure-accruing position at the rank of Instructional Lecturer, beginning August 16, 2025. Applicants will have an M.A. in Japanese, Japanese Language Pedagogy, Japanese Linguistics, or related field, or applicants will complete the MA by August 15, 2025. The salary is competitive and commensurate with qualifications and experience, and the compensation includes a full benefits package.
Bank of America Full Professor of Finance 17060100 - BA-FIRE BUSINESS OFFICE Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
The Eugene F. Brigham Finance, Insurance & Real Estate Department, Warrington College of Business at the University of Florida, is seeking to hire a Chaired Full Professor with an active current research agenda and recognition as a top-flight scholar. The ideal candidate has a record of impactful and highly cited research in top-tier finance and economics journals over a sustained period.
Professor and Chair - Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation (WEC) 60470000 - AG-WILDLIFE ECOLOGY / CONSERV Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
The Department's mission is to foster education and research using multi-disciplinary approaches for the purpose of understanding, managing, and conserving biodiversity. The intent is to prepare tomorrow’s conservation leaders through promoting scholarship, communication, and synthesis of new knowledge. The Department has focused historically on strategies for conserving wildlife and habitats in forest, wetland, coastal, and grassland ecosystems, and has a long and storied history working on wildlife conservation across the globe.
Clinical Research Coord I 29180300 - MD-NEUROLOGY-MOVEMENT DISORDER Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
A Clinical Research Coordinator I position is available at the Fixel Institute, within the Department of Neurology, to help coordinate activities of Centers of Excellence (CoE) in Atypical Parkinson disorders and Huntington disease. Under the direction of Dr. Nikolaus McFarland, the applicant will collaborate with neurologists, nurses, rehab, genetic counselors, study coordinators and other key personnel to help coordinate activities for the CoE, including CurePSP, MSA, and the HDSA (Huntington disease). The applicant will assist Dr. McFarland and staff to organize interdisciplinary clinics, calling and educating patients and family members about ongoing CoE support group activities, coordinating research studies, helping enroll potential study participants, guide them through informed consent process, and collect data per protocol. The ideal applicant should be independent, professional, proactive, and have great interpersonal, verbal and written communication skills.
Emergency Medicine Physician/Medical Director & Clinical Assistant/Associate/Full Professor 30290000 - JX-EMERGENCY MEDICINE-JAX Jacksonville Campus
The University of Florida College of Medicine – Jacksonville at the Department of Emergency Medicine is recruiting an experienced and motivated physician leader to join our faculty at a non-tenure accruing level of Clinical Assistant/Associate/Full Professor and as the Medical Director.
Assistant Professor in 3D + Extended Media 13020100 - COTA-ART-DIRECTOR Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
School of Art + Art History Faculty Position Announcement Assistant Professor in 3D + Extended Media Position: Full-time, nine-month, tenure-accruing faculty position Date of Expected Hire: August 16, 2025 Salary: $71,500, with a comprehensive and highly competitive leave and benefits package The School of Art + Art History in the College of the Arts seeks an Assistant Professor in 3D + extended media to join our forward-looking interdisciplinary program at a top-ranked public university. The ideal candidate has an active creative practice and innovative pedagogy informed by contemporary art theory and practice. We seek an artist-educator with strong collaborative, communication and leadership skills. This position will entail teaching 3D + extended media courses at all levels, from foundations to graduate seminars. We especially welcome applicants with demonstrated skill with metalwork. Approximately half the teaching load will be dedicated to WARP (Workshop in Art Research and Practice), a team-taught intensive studio + lecture course at the forefront of our foundations curriculum. WARP is required of all studio art and graphic design majors and introduces students to the multi-dimensional and diverse world of art, art making, and contemporary theory through a dynamic curriculum that reflects faculty research. WARP is taught in a dedicated off-campus facility.
Clinical Assistant/Associate Professor - Head & Neck Surgical Oncology & Microvascular Reconstructive Surgeon 29210000 - MD-OTOLARYNGOLOGY Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
The Department of Otolaryngology at the University of Florida is seeking applicants who wish to pursue a career in Head and Neck Surgical Oncology & Microvascular Reconstructive Surgery. We are looking to hire at the rank of Clinical Assistant/Associate Professor rmulti-mission track.
Hematology and Medical Oncology - Clinical Assistant, Associate Full Professor 30050000 - JX-MEDICINE AT JAX Jacksonville Campus
The University of Florida College of Medicine - Jacksonville, Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology & Medical Oncology, seeks candidates for a full-time faculty position to join a growing academic division designed with a subspecialty focus
Hematology & Medical Oncology - Assistant/Associate/Full Professor 30050000 - JX-MEDICINE AT JAX Jacksonville Campus
The University of Florida College of Medicine - Jacksonville, Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology & Medical Oncology, seeks candidates for a full-time faculty position to join a growing academic division designed with a subspecialty focus.
Higher Education Administration and Policy Assistant/Associate Professor 18070000 - ED-SHDOSE-SCHL OF HUM DEV&ORG Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
The University of Florida invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant/Associate Professor of Higher Education Administration and Policy position. We seek candidates with scholarly interests focused on contemporary issues in higher education, including but not limited to the following areas: college access; college student persistence, completion, and transfer; organization, leadership, and governance issues in higher education; public policies in higher education; science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) opportunities and outcomes in higher education; and additional research areas of direct relevance to higher education administrators and policymakers. The successful applicant for this tenure-track Assistant/Associate Professor position is expected to maintain a clear, systematic line of research; seek external research funding; publish in scholarly journals; present research findings at meetings of professional associations; contribute to advising and teaching, especially recruiting and mentoring doctoral students.
Surgical Oncology/Breast Surgeon & Clinical Assistant/Associate Professor 30140000 - JX-SURGERY-JACKSONVILLE Jacksonville Campus
The University of Florida College of Medicine-Jacksonville, Department of Surgery is seeking a full-time academic breast surgeon faculty at the non-tenure accruing level of Clinical Assistant or Associate Professor. Our team at UF Health Jacksonville is a highly skilled group of surgeons who work alongside a talented multidisciplinary team approach to breast care.
BREAST IMAGING RADIOLOGIST UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA GAINESVILLE The Department of Radiology at the University of Florida is seeking a full-time breast imaging radiologist to join our expanding team at UF Health in Gainesville. This is a non-tenure track position with the title of Clinical Assistant Professor, Clinical Associate Professor, or Clinical Professor, depending on the candidate’s academic background and experience. The position offers flexible scheduling, typically 4-4.5 days per week. The position includes a comprehensive benefits package, featuring health, disability, and life insurance; malpractice coverage with tail coverage and sovereign immunity under Florida law; retirement investment options with matching contributions; and reimbursement for licensure and Maintenance of Certification (MOC) costs.
Clin Asst/Assoc/Professor 29130400 - MD-RADIOLOGY-NEURORADIOLOGY Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
NEURORADIOLOGIST UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA GAINESVILLE The Department of Radiology at the University of Florida is actively recruiting to fill one position at the rank of Clinical Assistant/Associate/or full Professor. This position is a full-time, 1.0 FTE, non-tenure track position with primary assignments at UF-Health Shands, Gainesville. Clinical responsibilities include patient care (including neuroimaging interpretation as well as CT and US guided procedures in adult and pediatric patients) and teaching of housestaff and medical students. Our practice incudes the University of Florida Children’s Hospital which provides a full range of tertiary care pediatric services and subspecialties.
Nocturnist - Clinical Assistant/Associate Professor 30070000 - JX-OB/GYN-JACKSONVILLE Jacksonville Campus
The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Florida College of Medicine – Jacksonville seeks up to a full-time faculty member at the level of Assistant or Associate Professor for the position of Nocturnist. The position will have clinical responsibilities as an OB hospitalist at the UF North hospital location. Major responsibilities include collaborative patient care with our certified nurse midwives and multidisciplinary staff. Major responsibilities of the position include clinical care of intrapartum patients and patients with gynecologic emergencies. All candidates should be dedicated to providing high quality patient care and exemplary collaboration.
Clinical or Instructional Assistant/Associate Professor 32100000 - PH PHARMACY EDUCATION AND PRAC Orange
The Department of Pharmacy Education and Practice (PEP) invites applications for a full-time, 12-month, non-tenure track position with an acute care/internal medicine focus at the rank of Assistant/Associate Professor (Instructional or Clinical). This is an exciting opportunity to join the PEP faculty at the Lake Nona campus of the University of Florida College of Pharmacy, located in Orlando. The ideal candidate will be able to play an important role in all student-centered activities at the Lake Nona campus and excel in teaching, scholarship (if applicable), and service to the college. Responsibilities for an Instructional Assistant/Associate Professor will include didactic teaching in the PharmD program focusing on health-system based pharmacy practice; advising students and student organizations; and actively participating in the department and College. Responsibilities for a Clinical Assistant/Associate Professor will include didactic teaching in the PharmD program focusing on health-system based pharmacy practice; scholarly pursuits; advising students and student organizations; and actively participating in the department and College. Position title (Instructional or Clinical) will be based on the candidate’s preference. The University of Florida College of Pharmacy values the benefit of having a team that consists of diverse talents, skills, strengths, points of view and experiences. The college is committed to cultivating an environment where everyone is respected for their intrinsic value, and developing the next generation of clinicians and scientists who will positively impact the health of others. We’re committed to creating a working environment where everyone can be heard and recognized for their contributions. In recognition of such efforts, the College of Pharmacy is the 3-time recipient of the Insight into Diversity Health Professions Higher Education Excellence in Diversity Award.
ASO/FULL PROF 23020100 - CJC-ADVERSTISING-GENERAL Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
The Department of Advertising at the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications invites applications for a full-time, nine-month senior scholar at the rank of Associate- or full Professor in Advertising. The Department of Advertising is comprised of 18 high-performing full-time faculty shaping the future of advertising. The department seeks to add a dynamic advanced-level colleague who will contribute to its mission to bridge advertising scholarship and pedagogy with industry practice.
Assistant Scientist - UF Health Precision Health Research Center 29240101 - MD-HOBI-GENERAL Sumter
The Assistant Scientist at UF Health Precision Health Research Center will play a pivotal role in advancing research on aging in The Villages community with a focus on cognitive health, nutrition and wellness, patient-centered engagement, and the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and technology. This role involves conducting cutting-edge research aimed at understanding the complexities of aging and developing innovative strategies to promote cognitive health and overall wellness in aging populations.

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