Management and Administration
• Serve on the management team with the project PI and Co-PIs.
• Provide overall leadership and management for the daily functioning and activities of the Books and Cooks program.
• Collaborate with New Worlds Reading Initiative staff to develop strategies and coordinate activities.
• Develop and submit annual state plan and budget that details key strategies, activities, and deliverables.
• Ensure all contract deliverables are met in a timely manner.
• Compile and submit quarterly and annual project reports to the New Worlds Reading Initiative.
• Provide program updates and highlights to New Worlds Reading Initiative staff, the project team, and representatives of UF/IFAS Extension.
• Lead hiring and orientation processes for any vacancies among direct reports.
Supervise Books and Cooks Project Team:
• This position supervises six county Education and Training Coordinators, and is responsible for leadership for the project team, which includes faculty, staff, and students.
• Conduct weekly meetings with project team to provide strategic leadership and regular communication.
• Conduct regular check-ins with Education and Training Coordinators to optimize program quality and to ensure that county coordinators have the resources and supports to carry out their duties.
• Conduct annual evaluations of county Education and Training Coordinators and provide guidance for improvement as needed.
• Drive a state vehicle in the performance of job duties.
Program Team Leadership:
• Work collaboratively with the PI, Co-PIs, and all staff members on program development, delivery, evaluation, and reporting.
• Work with county Education and Training Coordinators to assess needs at the local level and develop appropriate strategies for recruitment to the New Worlds Reading Initiative, identification of local and state partners, educational development, and program evaluation.
• Provide training, guidance, and support for all aspects of programming, including identifying and implementing priorities, curriculum implementation, and training for project staff.
• Work with state project team to collect and review education curricula, including teaching materials and audio-visual resources that are age-appropriate for reaching each segment of the target audience; identify gaps in curricula; and adapt appropriate materials to support Books and Cooks education efforts at the county level.
• Keep apprised of research and best practices in the areas of family literacy, nutrition education, nutrition security, and parent-child education.
Other Duties as Assigned